From Zagreb we transfered to Ljubljana where we arrived around 10 am. While there we visited our previous hostel where we had forgotten our camera charger. After picking it up, we went to a nearby shop to have breakfast. We proceeded to a post office to see how much it would cost to send some souvenirs home… well, according to the post office it “was impossible” so we may just be stuck carrying them the next month. We then burned about an hour before our next train. After a transfer in Villinius we arrived in Salzburg around 16 and headed to our hostel there. We dropped off our stuff and headed out to see the city. The sun had already set but we were still able to see a good part of the city before returning to the hostel. We bought the hostel dinner and tried to watch “The Sound of Music” over the loud Australians playing drinking games in the movie room. We then retired to our room to try to get to sleep early.