We arrived in Roscoff around 10:30 am and took the next bus to St. Pol-de-Leon. We found our way to our CouchSurfer’s home easily. He was just about to prepare lunch for himself and his friend who was visiting for a few days, so we joined them. We enjoyed french bread with 5 or so different cheeses as well as mixed cherry tomatoes fresh from the market. We also had some local cider and enjoyed apple and rhubarb cake with fromage blanc for dessert; it was in between yogurt and cheese in texture and tasted fantastic! Unfortunately, it is only made in that particular region of France and you cannot get it elsewhere. Next we had tea and chocolate out on the patio furniture in the garden.
We discovered that in France meal time is really savored and enjoyed; they take their time, socialize, and take great pleasure in mealtimes.
Etienne invited us to go blackberry and elderberry picking with them in a nearby park. We walked through the park stopping intermittently to pick berries. There were some french gardens, ruins of old buildings, an old mansion, and cows throughout (which is normal, they said). We walked to a bay area where we went for a swim in the ocean- it was quite cold!
We returned home and sat by the fire while Etienne prepared dinner. We ate salad and tuna quiche with rhubarb crumble and fromage for dessert. We had more tea and chocolate by the fire. They made jam from the berries we picked while we read Six Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong (a book Etienne had recommended). Before bed Etienne played the piano some. It was a great day all around.
Day 17- Arriving in St. Pol-de-Leon